Sunday, October 28, 2012

Round 1: Edgar

Now it is time to meet the Edgar family. Alexia and Darell Edgar fell in love during high school and married after graduation. Shortly after they married they had twin girls Angela and Brigette, later they had twin boys Jeramy and Mitchal. Now the family moved to Roseview after the boys were born.

Hello everyone. I hope you find the new house to your liking?
Alexia: Who is that, did you hear that voice Darell?
Darell: Yes, I heard it.
Angela: I heard it as well mom.
Brigette: Me too.
I am the narrator. I am everywhere. I tell your story. Now I know the house has no furniture and you have very little money, but at least it has a room for all of you. So first of all, Darell and Alexia. I need to know want you want most in life.

 Darell: I want to 20 pet best friends.
*SIGH* It's doable. What about you Alexia?

Alexia: I want 50 1st dates!
*Slaming sound of something hitting a hard surface(Head desk)No! No, no, NO!
Alexia: Why not?
You are MARRIED! Happily! With four kids! No! I see a ReNUYu ord in your future! (I refuse to brake up a family for a stupid Pleasure sims LTW and HATE dating and only do it ONCE if ever per sim. I will take the penalty points or make her a grilled cheese sim.)
Alexia: *sigh* Fine, whatever. Make me unhappy.
The point is you will no longer want that impossible wish, so you WILL be happy. Now lets move along.
On the inside there was very little money for furniture. Everything in carpet is where foundation was sold to make a little more money. The windows were also sold. only a toilet and shower made it into the house as well as that fridge and counter. Not even a crib for the boys. Although they do have enough for a training potty and maybe a toy or two.

 Alexia: We had a pond built in back. I was told we could sell the fish.

 Alexis stats teaching Mitchal to walk.

 While Darell is starting Jeramy on the potty.

 Angelia and Brigette try fishing together.
 Darell starts teaching Jeramy to walk.

 While Alexia gets Mitchal to the potty to start training him.

 The Welcome Wagon then arrives. This time it's the  older Carters, minus James.

 Alexia: Hi, I'm Alexia. I live here with my husband Darell and twin daughters Angela and Brigette and twin sons Jeramy and Mitchal. The girls are children and the boys are toddlers.
George Carter: Hi, I'm George Carter and this is my wife Mary and my mother-in-law Carol Carter. My wife has a twin brother who lives with us named James and Mary and I have twin toddlers as well, as son; Ronald and a daughter; Nancy.

 Alexa greeted everyone then decided to catch some butterflies...

 Then as she was checking what jobs were in the paper the penguin showed up out of nowhere.

 Darell: Alexia told me she already looked in the paper and didn't see the job she wanted, Culinary. I want to be in Journalism.

Lucky for Darell it was the first choice.

The girls and Darell start fishing, with the girls catching a few fish that were sold so they could buy beds.

 Alexia started out making a sandwich just for her self, but after putting that one away made a group meal.

 The girls fished some more while Darell went to eat.

The boys don't have a crib so they had to take a nap on the floor.

 The girls earned their bronze fishing badges around the same time. The family decided they could do without a shower and sold it so they could all get beds, but they still didn't have the money for the cribs.

Darell had to make a hard decision on his first day of work. I think it's safer to leave it, you will lose your job if you recall it and are wrong.

Good choice Darell!

 Angela and Brigette: We need better grades.
Well make sure to get help from one of your parents, once you learn to study things will be easier.

 Darell: I just remembered that you can look for treasure, so I'm hoping to find something worth a lot of money.

 The girls needed fun after school so they have a water balloon fight while dad is digging.

Darell found a dog bone and a gold thing that was sold as well as all three maps, all from the same hole.

Early Wednesday: Alexia and Darell have fun pillow fighting.

 Then they both look for treasure, not find much. They each found a rock.

 Alexia: I taught Jeramy how to walk, I hope I can teach Mitchal before their birthday.

Angela and Brigette have a pillow fight before the bus comes, they didn't do their homework yesterday.
Angela: I didn't have the motivation to do it.
Brigette: We will do it today, we promise to get mom and dad to help.
Good, if you don't you will be in trouble at school and your grades will fall.

Darell: Good news family! I was promoted! I am now a Blog Writer.
Good for you Darell, now maybe you can buy s a stove. Oh, wait it's the boys birthday soon, you will need beds for them.

 Once again the girls play to gai fun while dad looks for treasures to sell.

Alexia: Mitchal learned to walk, and just in time for their birthday. I'm a little sad we were unable to teach them anything else.

 The girls finally got to work on their homework.

 While they are doing that the boys are having their birthday. Jeramy was first to make it to the cake.

Jeramy: I'm a big boy now!

Next was Mitchal.

 Mitchal: Look at me! I'm big now!

The girls asked their parents to help them study. Darell taught Brigette how to study, but Angela finished her homework before she learned from Alexia. Brigette went to bed before all her homework was done, but it was late and she needed to sleep. She can do the rest in the morning, at least it was almost done.

 Thursday: The girls and Alexia and Darell start the morning with pillow fights.

  Alexia has a little fun juggling.

With all the kids in school now Alexia needs a job to keep her busy.

What luck, that was the job she wanted. She will need to hire a nanny for now, but once the girls are teenagers they won't need her anymore.

 How did you do today boys?
Jeramy and Mitchal: We need better grades.
Well, get help from your mom and dad to learn to study and it should be easier.

One of the girls brought home this girl, Sari Sobule.

 Oops, looks like Alexia forgot to call that nanny after all. Oh well Alexia is off tomorrow. The kids should be fine without the nanny for the few hours until Darell gets home. (I was trying to get a picture of her calling without the rain in the way, then forgot to have her call again before her car pool.) For now they will al do some fishing.

So far they each caught at least one thing, Angela and Brigette have a Bronze fishing badge so they are doing better then their brothers.
Darell: Why are the kids home alone?
Alexia forgot to call for the nanny, it doesn't matter anyway, she was just going to call her to come 'for now' and then you could send her home when you got back. I suppose that you will have to do that on Saturday and Sunday The time from when the kids got home to when you got back was not enough time for the child snatchers, I mean social workers, to come take them for being 'unsupervised'.

(Note: I have gotten way to used to the Sims 3 children having more freedom.)

 Darell: Hi kids, minde if I join you?
Brigette: Not at all dad.

Sari: It's getting late so I have to leave, but I had fun.
Brigette: Okay Sari, see you at school tomorrow.
Selling all the fish they caught they made a nice profet. Darell decided to start collecting the fish as well so one of each (and the boot) go on the wall.

 Early Friday: Alexia finished teaching Angela how to study early in the morning.

 Darell: I got this easel so I could work on my creativity for work. Alexia said she would also need it, so maybe we should buy another one soon.
 Darell and Alexia managed to teach the boys how to study before they had to go to school.

With the kids at school Alexia reads up on cooking while Darell works on his painting.

 Alexia, now is the time to use this ReNuYu Senso Orb to change your aspiration.

Alexia: Grilled Cheese, I want some right NOW.

 It worked out just as I had planed.

Alexia went straight to the fridge and made a group serving of grilled cheese.

 Valerie Hughes came home with Jeramy today.

 Angela and Brigette: We both both an A+!
Congratulations girls!

Valerie: This is fun and get to hang out with all my new friends.

 Valerie's grandfather came to pick her up, as it was late and she needed to get her homework done, eat dinner and go to bed.

 Early Saturday: Alexia made a lot of servings of grilled cheese and ate a few herself, now she is on the chubby side. She went to bed soon after she started a painting of her own.

The kids wake up early to play with each other. They know they need to get their homework done, so they are playing first.

 All four children sat down to do their homework like the goo children they are.
Mitchal: It's so boring!
Get it done and you won't have to do it later, you can have more fun and enjoy the weekend. 

 Alexia: Hello, I need a Nanny to come watch my kids. I have four of them, two sets of twins. One set girls the other boys and the girls are the oldest, almost teens. Yes, I just need you to come right now, no need to track my schedule as the girls will be aging soon and we only need the nanny until their birthday.

 The nanny joined them at the pond, seems that with Alexia having used up all the food making her grilled cheese the nanny has no reasons to make random meals to leave out.

Now the boys also have their bronze fishing badge.

 The kids seem to have spent the whole day in their PJs fishing.

 Darell brought home Peter Ottomas from work. Peter didn't stay long.

Oh, Congradulations of the promotion to Drive Through Clerk Alexia!
Alexia: Thanks, I needed that promotion. We need more money.

With Darell earning his Bronze fishing badge Alexia is the only one who has yet to earn one.

Sunday: This time the kids took the time to shower so they were dressed while they fished.

Alexia: Yes, it's Alexia Edgar again. I really only need to the nanny to come for a few hours, just until my husband gets home from work. I was promoted so I leave two hours before he gets off. Yes, thank you.

Priya Ramasawami came home with Darell this time. She went home after since Darell told her his girls would be having their birthday and they wanted it to be family only, even if Darell would have liked to have thrown them a party.

The cake is al set for the twins to grow up. Here you can even see all the fish they have already caught.
The gaps are for future windows.

The girls decided to wait to grow up until they had their silver fishing badge, so they would be as happy as possible when they grew up.

The pack leader made an appearance while they were all fishing.

 It is now time for the girls to grow into teens. First to the cake is Angela, with Brigette not far behind.

 Angela: Nice! But I need a new wardrobe.
Now it's Brigette's turn.

Brigette: Not bad.
now girls I need to know what your aspiration is. 

 Angela: I want family.

Brigette: I want Knowledge.
Very good, both of you. Now I need to know what your Lifetime Want is.

 Angela: I want three children to graduate from college!

Brigette: I want to become the Minister of Education!
That's very good, both of you have wants that are possible and not much work.

Early Monday: It's Monday morning and the family was able to finaly fix up the house a bit. The kids are up and getting ready for school and the now teenaged Angela and Brigette are excited to start Highschool and discussing clothes they should buy.

And now it is 8AM Monday and time to get on to the next house.

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