Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Round 1: Carter

Now it is time to play the Carter family. Carol had to raise her twin son and daughter Mary and James by herself. When her daughter marred George and had twin son and daughter of her own after moving to Roseview she had her son move in with her. Then a fire destroyed their home and she and James moved in with Mary's family with the Promise that James would find work and she would stay home to watch toddlers Nancy and Ronald.

 First I would like to say welcome to Roseview. This is anice house have here.
Mary: Who is that, did you hear that mom? James? George?
Carol: I heard it dear.
James and George: I did as well.
I am the narrator. I tell your story as well as the rest of the neighborhood. Now first thing first. I need to know what you four want as your lifetime want.

 Carol: I want 20 pets to be my best friends, at the same time.
Oh, joy.

 James: I want to have 50 Dream Dates.
Better then 50 1st dates.

Mary and George: We both want to be the Minister of Education.
Mary: Can we both have that job at the same time?
I am sure it will be fine. That is a good Lifetime want.

 James and Carol try fishing in the new pond. Everyone who fished on another families lot sold the fish they caught as well.

 Mary and George started teaching the toddlers Nancy and Ronald how to walk.

 Meanwhile Carol and James are catching lots of fish (and boots).

The welcome wagon has come, but it is only people from Bluewater Village.

 Ronald learned to walk faster then Nancy.

Mary and George even managed to start potty training Nancy and Ronald.

 Nancy learned how to walk while Ronald was already well on his way to learning how to talk.

 Carol and James earned their bronze fishing badges.

 Ronald also learned how to talk.

 Followed by Nancy.

 Tuesday: The adults were once again fishing.

Having enough money to but the toddlers cribs Mary and George work some more on potty training before putting Ronald and Nancy down for a much needed nap. They then went back to fishing.

Mary even earned her bronze fishing badge.

 Wednesday: Once again the adults fish and sell what they get.

 George earned his bronze fishing badge.

 It seems that they have a good haul today.

 James found a job in the paper that he wanted.

Mary and George also found their jobs.
 They were able to buy some toys for the toddlers with the money they got from the fish.

With a boot being caught Carol earned her silver fishing badge.

 Nancy and Ronald have been potty trained.
 Just in time too. It's time for them to grow up into children.

 Nancy: I'm a big girl now!
Nancy was first to the cake, with Ronald not far behind.

Ronald: This is so cool! I get a big kid bed now right mom?
Mary: Yes, both you and Nancy have "big kid" beds now.
Ronald and Nancy: Yes!
Mary: Now it's time for you to go to bed.
Good night and Happy Birthday Nancy and Ronald.

Thursday: Before the school bus comes Nancy and Ronald play with the toy house their parents bought for them.

 How did you do?
Ronald: Not so well, but I did meet someone at school, He came home with me.

 Mitchal Edgar: Hi!
Oh, It's Mitchal. Good, make friends with him. He is your age.

 What about you Nancy?
Nancy: I have a C+.
Get help from your parents to learn how to study and always do your homework and your grades will go up.
James, congratulations for the promotion to Button Masher!

 Good, both Nancy and Ronald learned to study and finished their homework.

 Now they can dance with their parents to get fun up again. James is playing red hands with his mother.

 In the middle of the nigh Carol decided to fish. She slept a lot during the day so she isn't tired. She managed to catch a lot of fish to put up on the wall. Now that three of the adults have jobs they will only sell the extra fish and keep one of each for the wall.

 Friday: Carol wants to be best friends with 20 pets, so she tries to make friends with this stray male dog named Bailey.

Excellent! Congratulations to both Mary and George for the promotion to teachers aid.
Also Nancy and Ronald are doing better in school now.

 The Penguin has made another appearance... in the SUMMER.

 Carol has met another stray, this time a female cat named Kim

 George, Mary and James all work on skills they need for the next promotion. With the money they are getting the could afford a table and chairs, a book case, an easel and a mirror.

 Saturday: Carol had a want to gain a charisma skill, so before she went to bed (after stating up all night) she made sure to gain one skill point.

 James and George seem to be getting along. It's good for the in-laws to bed friends.

 Now that the twins are children they can fish with the rest of the family.

 James even earned his silver fishing badge.

Catching more fish so they have extra money. Next thing on the list is a stove and a better fridge.

Sunday: They were able to get the stove and a better fridge as well as a second shower and toilet. The family has breakfast together before James heads to work.

 Mary, George and the twins spend Sunday morning fishing.

The twins even earned their bronze fishing badges.

Nancy: Mom and Dad went it to eat the lunch grandma made, but we wanted to cool off as fishing made us hot.
Ronald: We decided to have a water ballon fight.

Congratulations on the promotion to Trash Talker James!

 James needs logic so he used his pay check to buy a chess table and some chairs.
It also seems they have one of each type of fish (and a boot) on the wall.

Ronald: I'm getting cold, we should go in and eat.
Nancy: Okay.

 Monday before 8AM: Carol got up early to make breakfast.
Carol: I am the only one with any cooking skills. I don't want the house to catch on fire if one of them tries to use the stove.

 It's 8AM and time to start the next round. We leave the Carter family with this shot of Carol fishing.

That is it for the Carter family for now, next we start round 2.